It is an oral procedure that involves treating the damaged pulp of a tooth to remove an infection and treat decay. In many cases, a root canal procedure is what you go for when you have cavities that threaten the health of your teeth.
Once a dentist considers you a candidate for this procedure, you should be prepared for a slightly invasive process. The tooth is layered differently, so that there are multiple layers affected when you have a cavity. The enamel is the outermost layer of the tooth, followed by the dentin. Beneath these layers is a central region called the pulp cavity. This chamber houses the nerve ending, blood vessels and other soft tissues of the tooth. It, essentially, helps keep your tooth alive.
When you have an infection that has breached through the different layers of your tooth, the pulp chamber is under attack. The reasons for pain, swelling and other symptoms of a diseased tooth have to do with a damaged pulp. A Root canal therapy is performed to correct the problem. This minor surgical procedure is designed to removed all the infection from a tooth, to save a tooth and improve the recovery time of a patient.
Your dentist will extract all the bacteria from the inside of your tooth, along with the damaged pulp. After thorough cleaning, your tooth is then properly filled and sealed. Since your tooth is fully developed, it can survive without the soft tissues of the pulp, as long as it is still attached to your gums.
As you consider visiting your dentist in Union for an endodontic procedure, ensure that you are fully aware of what you are getting yourself into, in a bid to preserve your oral health. With many other oral treatments you can consider to treat your tooth decay, some of the following benefits of root canal treatment should convince you of its effectiveness:
The decision on whether or not you require an endodontic procedure should be made upon advisement by a dentist in a dental clinic near you. Some of the signs that should tell you that you need a endodontic treatment are:
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